Tag: MOSS 2007

Book cover for Black Magic Solutions for White Hat SharePoint

Book Release: Black Magic Solutions for White Hat SharePoint

I contributed a chapter to the book Black Magic Solutions for White Hat SharePoint which is now available on Amazon. The book was organized by Mark Miller and includes chapters from several SharePoint community members. Mark’s goal was to break away from the traditional publishing model and self-publish an ebook in just a few months. You…

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Using ASP.NET ServerVariables in a SharePoint Data View Web Part

Quite often I find myself needing to use a server variable in a SharePoint data view web part. These are very useful for getting information that would otherwise not be available to use in a DVWP. There are several resources that explain how to use server variables, so check those out if you haven’t used…

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Introducing SPTools: A GUI for Performing Batch Tasks on SharePoint Lists

About a year ago I started writing JavaScript functions to perform batch tasks on SharePoint lists using SPServices. I did this because SharePoint didn’t offer the functionality I needed out of the box, and I’m limited to SharePoint Designer for all development at my workplace. After writing several of these functions for one-off projects (mostly…

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A CAML Query Quick Reference

I’ve been doing a lot of work with SPServices and SharePoint lists lately, and I find myself using the same CAML queries over and over. Unfortunately I don’t always remember how to format some of the more common queries, so I decided to make a quick reference. There are already some good tools and resources out…

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Create a Crossword Puzzle in SharePoint with jQuery and SPServices

As part of a website redesign communication campaign, I was tasked with developing a web-based crossword puzzle for our intranet site (MOSS 2007). After some brainstorming I came up with a solution that seems to be effective and relatively easy to set up using a custom list to store the answers, some jQuery to enhance…

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SimpleMaxChars Plugin for jQuery

My SimpleMaxChars jQuery plugin adds a message displaying the number of characters remaining in an <input> or <textarea>. I needed a fairly basic solution quickly and most of the existing plugins that offer similar functionality were too big, too small, buggy, or didn’t meet my specific needs. If this looks like it will work for…

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Deleting Documents with SPServices

A while back I was writing a function using SPServices that would delete a document from a SharePoint library when a user clicked a button. I set up the SPServices function the same way I’d done for other lists, but it wasn’t working. Turns out for documents (as opposed to list items) you must include the…

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My 2011 Year in Review

This is my first “year in review” style blog post. I feel that this year was particularly eventful for me in terms of my web designer/developer career and my personal life, and I thought it’d be a good idea to reflect on those events and capture it here for myself and any interested readers.

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SharePoint, jQuery, and FullCalendar—Now with SPServices

In the first entry to this series, I demonstrated how you can use a data view web part (DVWP) to emit SharePoint® calendar events as JSON that the FullCalendar jQuery plugin can use. Although it works fairly well, there are some limitations to the solution. It doesn’t handle recurring events, it doesn’t retrieve all events,…

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A jQuery UI Theme for SharePoint 2007

I’ve been using jQuery UI in a few recent projects on my department’s SharePoint® site. In order to provide a consistent user experience, I used the excellent ThemeRoller to create a custom theme that matched our branding. We have a custom master page, custom page layouts, and our own color scheme, fonts, etc. so I…

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