Tag: SharePoint 2013

Using Emojis in SharePoint Classic Web Part Titles

I recently helped a client create a COVID-19 page on their intranet, which is still using on-premises SharePoint 2013. To add some visual flair to the page, I used emojis in the web part titles. It’s funny, I haven’t done a lot of work on SharePoint Classic pages in years, and back then emojis were…

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Editing the Embed Code for a SharePoint 2013 Video Content Type

The other day I needed to change the embed code for a video in a publishing site’s “Images” library that was using the video content type in SharePoint 2013. This content type–based on the document set I believe–allows you to either upload a video file, provide a URL to a video file, or paste in…

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Use SharePoint Callouts to Create an In-page Tour

SharePoint 2013’s Callouts are used frequently throughout its UI to display contextual information. They also happen to be a great tool for creating in-page tours to guide users through learning about key features on a page. The first time I encountered one of these “tours” was after a Facebook redesign several years ago. Of course,…

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Bookmarklet to Remove Zero-width Spaces (​) from SharePoint Pages

When editing pages in SharePoint, the rich text editor inserts zero-width spaces to assist with text selection. Unfortunately it does not always remove these when a page is saved. These characters appear as ​ in Chrome’s dev tools, for example. These “leftovers” can cause spacing issues for content authors, so we created a bookmarklet to…

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“Cannot Read Property ‘STS’ of Undefined” When Using SP.UI.ModalDialog in SharePoint 2013

I’m using SharePoint’s built-in modal dialog for a single page application I’ve been developing. When I refresh the page to test changes I’ll randomly get an error saying that “Cannot read property ‘STS’ of undefined.” I’m using the Script-on-demand functions that should make things work: SP.SOD.executeFunc(‘sp.ui.dialog.js’, ‘SP.UI.ModalDialog’, myFunction); Looking at the stack trace, I can…

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Screenshot of the corev15.css file from SharePoint 2013

Useful CSS Classes in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013’s corev15.css file comes with a bunch of useful CSS classes. It doesn’t compare to something like Zurb Foundation or Bootstrap, but there’s enough in there to allow you to write less CSS for your custom apps. It’s also a great way to ensure that your app blends in with the SharePoint UI for a more consistent…

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