Series: WordPress Development Environment

Install WordPress on a Ubuntu Virtual Machine using VirtualBox

I decided to start a fun new project by setting up a development environment for WordPress. My primary goals are to have something I can use on my desktop or laptop without worrying about cluttering up the operating system (OS)on my PCs or scattering project files all across my home network. My buddy Justin over at…

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Create a Shortcut to Start XAMPP in Ubuntu

I do most of my WordPress development using a combination of VirtualBox and Ubuntu. Over time I’ve developed a few simple tips that make my workflow a little more efficient, so I wanted to share them with anyone else who read my previous tutorial on setting up a VM as a WordPress development environment. Running…

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Access Ubuntu VM Files from a Windows Host

I do most of my WordPress development using a test environment that I installed on a Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM). This let’s me play around as much as I want without any risk to my production website or my computer; everything is contained within the VM, and it costs me nothing because I only use…

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